Mother holding thermometer foreground and sick little girl in bed

Mother holding thermometer foreground and sick little girl in bed

Click Here for my EBOOK.  Normally it’s something you need to download after subscribing to my tribe list, but let’s face it, we could all use less emails right now ; )

This ebook explains how to observe your child/baby, but really it’s for anyone.  It’s how to observe a human that is healthy or ill through homeopathic eyes.  It talks about common remedies for fevers, coughs, colds.  I have more posted on IG and in my other blog post specifically for covid19, but this is a great general knowledge and a great place to start.

Here is another excerpt from a ‘fever talk’ I used to give to parents.


When to Seek Help

Be aware that a prolonged fever, dry mucus membranes, a temperature higher than 104F, a rash, stiff neck, or unusual weakness, drowsiness and lethargy, may mean indicate something more serious than a simple fever. If at  any time you are at all concerned about the severity or cause of the fever, or if your child is under 2 months of age, please consult your health care professional.

Homeopathy helps fevers – not by suppressing the fever itself but by stimulating the body to overcome the infection that the immune system is responding to using a fever.

Parents are usually surprised at how quickly this happens. It’s not unusual for a fever break within minutes of giving the correct remedy, but more common is for the child to get rest, have an overall increase in feeling better. The actual fever itself has purpose and the goal isn’t necessarily for it to go away immediately. We want the body to use the fever, fulfill the purpose of the fever.

The following article points to just four homeopathic remedies that help childhood fevers. There are others but these main ones should be in every home medicine cabinet.

Fevers – Hindrance or Help?

Fever is the body’s natural way of fighting infection. It stimulates the immune system to work more quickly and creates a hostile environment for invading organisms.

If your child’s fever is suppressed with temperature-lowering drugs it fails to respond as quickly as it could and the infection is likely to be prolonged or worsened. Important metabolic processes are also disrupted and research indicates there is greater risk of developing other health problems such as asthma.

Traditionally, homoeopathy has been used to safely manage fevers without causing any of the above problems. It corrects the underlying imbalance, stimulates the body’s natural ability to self-heal, and significantly reduces recovery time. With a little knowledge, it’s also simple to use in the home. The following remedies are just four of those commonly used for fever.

Six Remedies for Six Different Fevers

  1. Aconite napellus (Acon.)- think after playing outside on a cool windy night

For the early stage of fever when the onset is rapid and intense, and the fever is high. The fever may have been preceded by a shock or fright, or exposure to a cold, dry wind. The child will be agitated, restless, and anxious. They are usually sweaty and thirsty for cold drinks. Pupils may be constricted.

  1. Arsenicum Album- restless and wakes up around midnight with fever

This is for the fever that peaks from midnight to 3am. They will be thirsty but only want small sips of water. Their normal disposition is anxious and they over worry about their health. You might hear this child say ‘am I going to have to go to the hospital?’ when they have a mild fever or cold.


3.Belladonna (Bell.)- think sudden and intensely hot

Sudden, violent fever that may lead to delirium. The child will have a bright red or flushed face – especially the cheeks (the right cheek may be more flushed on the left cheek). While the head it is usually hot, the hands and feet will be cold. Pupils will be dilated with an intense headache that is usually throbbing in nature. The headache will feel better for sitting and worse for lying, or being bumped or jarred. The child will feel more comfortable in a darkened room and may crave lemon drink, lemonade, or cold water. They may also be thirstless and / or especially sweaty. Complaints triggering the fever, such as middle ear infections and tonsillitis will usually occur on the right hand side.

  1. Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferr-p.)- no other symptoms but a fever- Use this in a 6x potency, getting it in cell salt form and give 1 tablet per hour to help oxygenate the blood during a fever.

Useful for the first stage of an acute illness when inflammation is present but it is too early for clearly defined symptoms. The fever may be high but its onset is not as rapid or as intense as is seen with a Belladonna or Aconite fever. The child’s face is usually flushed and there may be reddened patches on the cheeks. Sometimes there will be paleness of the face. The child well be restless and alert but not anxious as with a Belladonna or Aconite fever. There may be redness of the tonsils or ear but if pus is present, or nasal mucus is thick, Ferr-p will no longer be helpful. The child may refuse meat or milk but be thirsty for water.

  1. Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls.)- weepy, clingy, better outside fever

The Pulsatilla fever can be either high or low, but the child will be clingy and easily upset. They want constant cuddles and affection, climbing onto your lap and snuggling into you if you sit down. They feel worse for warmth and stuffy rooms but feel much better when gently carried in fresh air. They also have little to no thirst with the fever and have changeable moods.

  1. Chamomilla-irritable- doesnt know what they want and needs to be carried

One cheek hot and the other cool. They will arch their back. Often for fevers with ear infections. Child is irritable and super upset and even hostile- hitting or biting. Better from being carried or rocked, upset as soon as they are put down.



Give one pill or five drops of the remedy every two to four hours. Once you notice an improvement, space doses further apart, giving the next dose only when symptoms start to return. If there is no improvement at all by three doses, choose a different remedy.


With Gratitude
