I have supported moms virtually in the past for prenatal visits or labor prep virtual appointments, but this is the first time I have done it knowing I wasn’t allowed in to the hospital. Knowing I would NOT be with my clients who I had planned on physically supporting during their labor.

I had two clients give birth this past week and they did amazing!  My side of the support was all through prep work and being on the phone the whole time, either talking or via text or video.  I am so proud of these mamas and their support partners!

A lot of us doulas knew this was coming, a time where only one support person was allowed in with a laboring mama.  And in some cases moms are left entering a hospital without anyone.  Thankfully New York changed this policy and they went back to allowing one support person.  Way to go NY!  But since we knew this could come  we’ve been preparing our clients as best we can along with supporting them over the phone during labor, pushing and postpartum.

But what about the moms without a doula, or without a way to connect to their doula while they are in labor.  I think all women need support.  But what type of support, where to start?  Well, I am the type to want to get teh logistcal things across.  There are already so many beautiful women sharing ways to support your emotional self during birth and labor, birth classes that offer this information to help a mom keep that space.   I want basics.  I want a list of things mom can do.  I want parents to know they should take classes still, they should still get a doula, they should still do all the things.  But I also want them to be prepared.  Be prepared on what to expect.  And learn what the partner can do.  So I made  an info sheet.  Similar to one that I would write up for my clients.  So I wrote up an info sheet that is a quick reference summary of:

What to do to prepare for birth

What to have at home

What to take to the hospital

What to do once you’re at the hospital and afterwards

and more

This is NOT supposed to replace the role of a doula or a birth class.  I highly recommend still hiring a doula and taking a class! I have listed a ton of options in this sheet. This is like an info guide to use before and during and hopefully WITH your doula.  My clients are given something like this AND have me to talk with during labor and birth.

I have added a lot of links to this document.  Many are for my local favorites.  I am sure I left out a ton and I apologize for that, but this was put together as fast I could.  I hope that moms or doulas or support persons read through the links as there is So much more support if the links are used.

if you’re still not sure about getting a doula  I am offering a 1.5 hour private session for a mom and her support partner for $100 where I would go over what I have written in detail and individualize it for her birth.  ideally, I hope moms hire a doula.

So this document is FREE, it’s to be shared and to be used.  Share it with everyone.  We need moms to feel good during this time as they go into birth.

With Love


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PDF version Balancing Your Health Doula Support Sheet 2020

HTML version   Balancing Your Health – Doula Support Sheet 2020