Labor Doula Service
Homeopathic Consultations
Placenta Encapsulation


Birth Support and Pre-Natal Care
“During my pregnancy, I knew I was in good hands with Willow. Her incredibly supportive grounding energy coupled with her vast knowledge of homeopathy and nutrition made a huge impact throughout my pregnancy. Willow used homeopathy both during and after the delivery targeting very specific health conditions. She made sure I was packed for the hospital with smart foods high in electrolytes and protein to get me through a long labor process. My labor was 21 hours and Willow came the moment I called her. She stayed by my side, and with each and every contraction guided me through breath, and used hands on massage and hip compressions to make me feel as comfortable as possible. I think perhaps the most significant part of having her in my home was that she could keep me at home as long as possible so I had less time at the hospital hooked up to monitors and other medical devices. Willow made me feel safe and confident in my home and listened to me and the signes of labor to make the judgement call that it was time to go to the hospital. During the most intense parts of labor Willow reminded me to connect to my breath and gave words of encouragement with each contraction. I loved her presence in the delivery room, and would recommend her to all of my friends and family.”

Knowing Your Doula Won’t Be There
I have supported moms virtually in the past for prenatal visits or labor prep virtual appointments, but this is the first time I have done it knowing I wasn't allowed in to the hospital. Knowing I would NOT be with my clients who I had planned on physically supporting...

Homeopathy and Fevers and more
Click Here for my EBOOK. Normally it's something you need to download after subscribing to my tribe list, but let's face it, we could all use less emails right now ; ) This ebook explains how to observe your child/baby, but really it's for anyone. It's how to...

Homeopathy Covid 19
It's been a while. I have been meaning to write to you all regarding Covid 19 and homeopathy, but literally I am just coming up from air with all the client calls and staying at home with my own family. So today I want to share with you a few things: Homeopathy and...

Homeopathy Kits: The Best Kit For Your Family
Homeopathy for all your family needs. Here is the best homeopathy kit on the market.